Chimborazo Downhill Biking

7 Hours

Riding downhill Chimborazo tour from Carrell Refuge at 4800 meters with mountain bikes is a challenging but rewarding adventure. The tour begins with a steep descent on a rocky trail that quickly turns into loose volcanic ash and scree. Riders will encounter sharp switchbacks and steep drops, requiring excellent bike handling skills and a good sense of balance.

The tour offers breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains and stunning alpine landscapes. However, the altitude adds an extra challenge, as riders need to acclimatize to the thin air and lower oxygen levels.

The tour is not for beginners and requires experienced and well-trained riders. Appropriate safety gear, including helmets, knee and elbow pads, and body armor, is essential. Riders should also be familiar with the area’s weather conditions and bring appropriate gear, such as rain jackets and warm layers.

The tour is a challenging but rewarding experience that offers an incredible sense of accomplishment for those who complete it. It is a great way to experience the stunning natural beauty of Chimborazo and test your mountain biking skills.


$65 per person


Riding downhill Chimborazo tour from Carrell Refuge at 4800 meters with mountain bikes is a challenging but rewarding adventure.


Departure from Riobamba: The tour usually begins early in the morning with a pick-up from your hotel in Riobamba. The drive to Carrell Refuge takes approximately 2 hours.

Arrival at Carrell Refuge: Upon arrival, you will meet your guide and receive a safety briefing and equipment check. You will also have some time to acclimatize to the altitude before starting the descent.

Descent: The descent from Carrell Refuge to the base of the mountain takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the pace of the group. You will encounter steep drops, rocky trails, and loose volcanic ash and scree. Your guide will lead the way and provide instruction and support as needed.

Rest and lunch: Once you reach the base of the mountain, you will have some time to rest and enjoy a packed lunch.

Return to Riobamba: After lunch, you will be driven back to Riobamba, arriving in the late afternoon or early evening.


What´s Included

  • Mountain Bike
  • Safety Gear
  • Guides
  • Snacks
  • Transportation
  • Permits

What´s not included

  • Tips
  • Additional meals or beverages

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Chimborazo Downhill Biking