Baños to Cuenca

10 Hours

Baños to Cuenca

The tour starts by picking up clients from their hotels in Baños and then departing for Cuenca, a charming colonial city located in the southern region of Ecuador. The first stop on the tour would be at the Balvanera Church, a beautiful example of colonial architecture located in the town of Alausi.

Next, the tour would make a stop at the Guamote Indigenous Market, one of the largest and most authentic markets in the country. Visitors can browse a wide variety of artisanal crafts, fresh produce, and traditional foods.

After the market visit, the tour would continue south to the Inga Pirca Archaeological Site, located near the town of Cañar. Inga Pirca is an important Incan ruin and is believed to have been a religious and administrative center for the Incan Empire. Visitors can explore the ruins and learn about the history and culture of the Inca people.

Finally, the tour would arrive in Cuenca, where visitors can explore the city’s many cultural attractions, including museums, galleries, and colonial-era buildings. The tour would also include comfortable accommodations and meals as part of the package.

Throughout the tour, a knowledgeable self-guided pamphlet would provide commentary on the history, culture, and natural wonders of the region, making for an educational and enjoyable experience for all passengers.

Costs per Ticket:

$70 per person


Tour bus heading from Baños to Cuenca with brief stops in Balvanera Church, Guamote markets, and Inga pirca ruins


8:00 AM - Departure from Baños de Agua Santa
Your journey will begin in Baños de Agua Santa, a small town located in the Tungurahua Province. You'll start your journey early in the morning, at around 8:00 AM. You can either rent a car or take a guided tour to make the journey to Cuenca.
10:00 AM - Arrival at Balvanera Church
After about two hours of driving, you'll reach the first destination of your trip, Balvanera Church. Balvanera Church is a beautiful 16th-century church located in the town of Biblián. The drive to Balvanera Church is a scenic one, with views of the Andes Mountains and valleys.
Explore Balvanera Church
You'll have around 45 minutes to explore Balvanera Church. The church is a beautiful example of colonial architecture, and its interior is adorned with beautiful frescoes and murals. You can also visit the church's museum to learn more about its history.
10:45 PM - Departure to Guamote Market
After your visit to Balvanera Church, you'll continue your journey to Guamote Market, a traditional indigenous market located in the Chimborazo Province. The drive from Balvanera Church to Guamote Market is about 1.5 hours, and it takes you through the beautiful Andean landscapes.
12.00 PM - Explore Guamote Indigenouse Market
You'll have around 1.5 hours to explore Guamote Market. This market is known for its traditional handicrafts, textiles, and livestock trade. You can wander through the stalls and see the colorful goods for sale, or you can try some of the local cuisine at one of the food stalls.
1:30 PM - Departure to Ingapirca
After your visit to Guamote Market, you'll continue your journey to Ingapirca, the largest and most important Inca ruins in Ecuador. The drive from Guamote Market to Ingapirca is about 2 hours, and it takes you through the stunning Andean landscapes.
3:30 PM - Explore Ingapirca
You'll have around 2 hours to explore Ingapirca. This archaeological site is located in the Andean highlands and was once an important Inca religious and administrative center. You can see the remains of ancient structures, including a sun temple and a fortress. You can also visit the museum to learn more about the Inca civilization and the history of the site.
5:30 PM - Departure to Cuenca
After your visit to Ingapirca, you'll continue your journey to Cuenca, a beautiful colonial city in the southern Andes of Ecuador. The drive from Ingapirca to Cuenca is about 1.5 hours, and it takes you through the beautiful Andean landscapes.
7:00 PM - Arrival in Cuenca
Upon arrival in Cuenca, you can check into your hotel and then explore the city. Cuenca is known for its beautiful colonial architecture, charming cobblestone streets, and vibrant culture. You can explore the city's museums, galleries, and markets, or you can simply stroll through the city's beautiful parks and plazas.


What´s Included

  • -Quito Hotel Pick Up
  • -Safe Transportation
  • -Hop On and Hop Off logistics
  • -24/7 Assistance
  • -Self Guided Panphlet for local attractions
  • - Water and Snacks

What´s not included

  • - Meals
  • - Accommodations at Destinations
  • - Guides
  • - Entrance fees to local attractions

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Baños to Cuenca